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steve 2008-02-03 01:22 PM

OF Best Practices, Tricks, and Hacks
What are some of your best practices, tricks, and hacks that you use with OmniFocus?

Here is one to get the thread rolling:

My wife and I are both OmniFocus users. She usually shops at target and the grocery store. I usually shop at home depot, best buy, etc. Using the OF mail preferences, we email each other items that need to be added to our lists. We simply added each other to the "allowed email" list. If I email, --buy toothpaste @target, she never has to even see the email and it gets added to her list. You obviously only want to use this trick with people you trust!


librarymonkey27 2008-02-03 03:13 PM

This is a great idea == the thread

I do wonder if taking you or the wife out of the loop of GTD might be counter productive.

being single --- so this might be belaboring an issue

say your wife is making brownies and needs two eggs, but doesn't want to go to the store for just that, so she starts building a list --- however you drive past three grocery stores on the way to HomeDepot...

you want to buy a a garage opener, but right now you are just pricing them. You probably would buy one from Target if they had the best price on the model you want...

might be a good idea to figure out a certain way to make some things (especially research) to pop up for both... I am not sure

steve 2008-02-03 04:15 PM

Hey Library Monkey,

I suppose I should make the distinction that these are all ordinary, non-mission critical things. I suppose if she added "pick up kids from day care" I would really pay attention to my @car context! When something needs to be done or it is a part of a bigger project we talk about it. In brownie example, she would call and ask me pick up eggs on the way home. In the target example, If I was managing the garage door project, I might put --check price of garage door opener @target.


Dogsbreath 2008-02-04 12:28 PM

Excellent idea

My Mail and OF don't play nicely together so I am envious of your harmonious situation!

Terp92 2008-02-05 10:35 AM

Task prefixes--works for me
One thing I starting doing with another GTD app is to include simple prefixes before each task name. This helped me to quickly identify their association when browsing any type of list, whether by project or context. For example:
[LIST][*]// to indicate anything pertaining to my business (example: "// Call Jim to set up meeting")
[*]++ for anything personal
[*]-- for client-specific work
[*]!! for tax-related stuff
[*]$$ for bills[/LIST]Once you know your own system it's pretty handy.

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