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lgsobalvarro 2008-02-09 07:38 AM

New icon set

I'm just now using OmniWeb, and i think that it's so nice. I have many
things that i don't have in Safari like ad-bloking for example.
But Omniweb have somthing that i dont like so much. And it's the icon

So i made my own "basic" icon set.


So... what do you think?

theonehorst 2008-02-09 09:55 AM

sorry, not my taste. looks kind of cheap and unprofessional. what's the last icon?

sorry, just my personal opinion.

Forrest 2008-02-09 10:34 AM

[QUOTE=theonehorst;32700]ks kind of cheap and unprofessional. what's the last icon? [/QUOTE]

Being a professional ;) I wouldn't say they are unprofessional. The X in the stop button might be a little, but the rest of it is done fairly professionally. That said, it seems more suited for a young audience (eg, children.)

I think the last image is a printer, but at first I thought it was some sort of mail icon.

Bichuf 2008-02-10 06:53 AM

I like them very much
See no "child-like" elements in the design or that they are un-professional. On the contrary, I like them much better than the original icons which I find rather flat, pale and cold. These would make OmniWeb more "Leopard-like". And as one critique deserves another I would say that the [url][/url] looks like a quick RapidWeaver job. Not much originality there with all the exact same windoze folders. The $20 flash plugin to show photos is quite passe. See, we all have different viewpoints!

So, 2 positive votes so far for the icon set. Score is 2-1, pro these icons.

gray49 2008-02-10 07:16 AM

I must admit, the icons are not my cup of tea...
However...They are certainly not unprofessional or cheap looking...

Forrest 2008-02-10 12:09 PM

[QUOTE=Bichuf;32740]See no "child-like" elements in the design[/QUOTE]

Two clear elements that are common for that audience are:
- Primary colors
- Rounded organic shapes

lgsobalvarro 2008-02-10 01:34 PM

[QUOTE=Forrest;32763]Two clear elements that are common for that audience are:
- Primary colors
- Rounded organic shapes[/QUOTE]

Primary colors and Rounded organic shapes aren't clear elements just for said that. (and if it... I want that you tell me were and who made a study about that. Prove me that that two things are common elements.).

You said that my icons looks very unprofessional, well... why? (and please, dont tell me "because you're using primary colors and rounded organic shapes". If you're talking about professional and unprofessional, so... be a professional and argue why you're saying that. I CANT improve my work if you don't give me good reazons.)

I'm agree with Bichufo. You're using in you're website monoslidshow. Wow so profesional!
You made a nice stuff with GIMP... but GIMP is very unprofessional. (So, if you're talking about professional and unprofessional, just start seeing what are you using for design).

Forrest 2008-02-10 04:05 PM

[QUOTE=lgsobalvarro;32769]Primary colors and Rounded organic shapes aren't clear elements just for said that. (and if it... I want that you tell me were and who made a study about that. Prove me that that two things are common elements.).[/quote]

I didn't say "just for that" I said "common for that audience." I went to design school in Germany and in the US. In both places that theory was taught. I know that [url][/url] teaches the same. Take a trip, for example, to Toys R Us and then to Pottery Barn. Just look at the colors. You'll notice that primary colors are extremely common Toys R Us, and there are also some secondary colors. At Pottery Barn, you will find most of the colors are tertiary. If a primary color is used, it's almost always surrounded by muted tertiary colors. If you want, also take a look at how shape is used by each. (And if you don't have either of those stores in your area, take a look at their web sites. Not quite as clear there, but a designer should be able to pick up on the difference.)

Generally, more simplistic colors are used for a more simplistic market, while more complex colors are used for a more complex market.

I don't feel like I need to prove anything to you. You posted your icons and asked for feedback, so I provided it. If you're not open to feedback on your designs, then perhaps you should rethink asking for feedback.

[quote]You said that my icons looks very unprofessional, well... why? (and please, dont tell me "because you're using primary colors and rounded organic shapes". If you're talking about professional and unprofessional, so... be a professional and argue why you're saying that. I CANT improve my work if you don't give me good reazons.)

I'm agree with Bichufo. You're using in you're website monoslidshow. Wow so profesional!
You made a nice stuff with GIMP... but GIMP is very unprofessional. (So, if you're talking about professional and unprofessional, just start seeing what are you using for design).[/QUOTE]

I think you have me confused with the other poster.

lgsobalvarro 2008-02-10 05:04 PM

Ok, Forrest, thanks a lot.

Chiller 2008-02-19 06:13 PM

I like to call this topic one of the "gas can" ones. Meaning, whenever it is posted, comments seem to explode from it. I think if OW offered a few sets to choose from, one might be more happy. You will never get everyone to agree on a set of icons. It's "artwork".

That said, I don't like these particular ones. My 2 cents.

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