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egrefen 2008-02-09 02:07 PM

Problem with dates
The problem I'm having is as follows:

I am running OmniFocus/1.0/final-v77.1.2, on a trial license, on a PPC mac with OS X 10.5.1 and the date set correctly.

The dates OmniFocus records under the "Added" and "Changed" fields in the inspector are correct (... 2008), as is the date that appears in the "Completed" field if I tick as task off as completed.

However the dates in the "Start" and "Due" are systematically wrong. If I enter "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday" or "February 13 2008", for example, it will always produce a date in the year 2000. If I click on the calendar thingy in the date field, it will pull up a 2000 calendar. And if I try to change the date manually, it will stubbornly stay put on the year 2000.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is it a bug, or is it a problem with my settings? Help!

pvonk 2008-02-10 11:49 AM

I've never had this problem. Is the date properly set on your Mac?

egrefen 2008-02-10 11:51 AM

[QUOTE=pvonk;32758]I've never had this problem. Is the date properly set on your Mac?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=egrefen;32728][COLOR="DimGray"](...)[/COLOR] on a PPC mac with OS X 10.5.1 and the date set correctly.[/QUOTE]

I'm quite perplexed...

egrefen 2008-02-12 02:19 AM

Does anyone know what I should do? Reinstall or something?

egrefen 2008-02-13 08:35 AM

Okay, I tried reinstalling. Problem is still as specified. Technical support won't answer my emails either :(

Toadling 2008-02-13 09:32 AM

I wouldn't give up on the support Ninjas yet (it's only been three business days since your original post). They're probably still working through a support backlog. I saw Omni Group was looking to hire more support people to help out.

brianogilvie 2008-02-13 12:40 PM

Have you set a custom date format? I seem to recall that some alpha testers had problems with dates if they were using a custom format. Just a thought.

Lizard 2008-02-13 04:08 PM

Don't count on support Ninjas to see posts on the forum. If you want to be sure they see your plea for help, you should send an email to [email][/email]. In this case, I would recommend including a screenshot of your date preferences in system preferences, so they can make sure to match your settings exactly when trying to find the problem.

ext555 2008-02-13 05:20 PM

He mentioned that he'd already emailed them , but as stated above , he needs to hang in there .. they're behind ; ) I've had replies take up to a week , so I can see why they're hiring more .

Lizard 2008-02-14 09:54 AM

Oh, you're right. I somehow missed that even though I did really look for it :S

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