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dbyler 2008-02-29 08:51 AM

Petty visual gripe
Something that's nagged me for quite a while now is the lack of padding between the inbox icon and the toolbar:


Would love to see a couple pixels added there...

Kosjer D 2008-02-29 09:00 AM

i can second that. the icon and first line need a bit of air respectively space for breathing.

JKT 2008-02-29 09:07 AM

I think it is because of the font that is being used. With 20pt, bold Myriad Pro for the Inbox heading, there is plenty of space between the toolbar and the inbox icon for me.

dbyler 2008-02-29 10:46 AM

Ah, interesting -- didn't think of changing the font there.

That said: shrinking the font reveals the problem: there's no built-in padding at all.


Toadling 2008-02-29 03:11 PM

Did you send this to Omni using the Help->Send Feedback... menu option? They seem pretty good about reading these forums, but I'd send it to them just in case.

dbyler 2008-02-29 05:25 PM

I did submit feedback, and have received a positive response from the support ninja.

I posted here in hopes that a) the good Omni folks would see it and be bothered enough to put it in the dev queue, and b) other OF users would send feedback and request the same.

xmas 2008-03-05 10:43 AM

So... there is a work around.

If you have access to OmniOutliner, which has myriad support for all kinds of style preferences (including "Row Pre Spacing") you can set up what you want you want in Outliner, then drag the Style Chit on top of the Focus row in question (the inbox in this case).

Frosty Crunch 2008-03-07 06:07 AM

Dragging didn't do it, but Format > Paste Style after copying in OO did it. It also changed the font, but I did Control-Z, and the font reverted leaving the space-before value.

dbyler 2008-03-11 05:04 AM

Thanks, xmas. This worked for me.

Note: the workaround didn't [I]appear[/I] to work at first because OmniFocus didn't redraw immediately. Switching from Project to Context view (or vice-versa) updated the view.

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