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RobTrew 2008-03-27 04:34 AM

Exporting from OmniOutliner to Scrivener
[I]This came up in a thread on another topic, but I have found it useful and hard to track down directly through a forum search, so I am bumping it up to become a thread of its own.[/I]

Fletcher Penney has written an OO plug-in which makes it possible to export an outline from OmniOutliner to a [URL=""]Scrivener[/URL] outline.

It is available on his [URL=""]MultiMarkdown site[/URL].

Scrivener imports MultiMarkdown formatted outlines, and you can export from OmniOutliner to MultiMarkdown format if you:[LIST=1][*]copy Fletcher's [B].ooxsl[/B] file to
[B]~/Application\ Support/The\ Omni\ Group/OmniOutliner/Plug-Ins/fletcher-markdown.ooxsl[/B][*]restart 003[*]choose the [B]MultiMarkdown (text)[/B] format from File>Export[/LIST]
Once you have created a Markdown text file version of your outline, you can import it into Scrivener through [B]File>Import>MultiMarkdown file ...[/B]

RedGrass 2008-04-24 04:48 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;35060][I]This came up in a thread on another topic, but I have found it useful and hard to track down directly through a forum search, so I am bumping it up to become a thread of its own.[/I]

Fletcher Penney has written an OO plug-in which makes it possible to export an outline from OmniOutliner to a [URL=""]Scrivener[/URL] outline.

It is available on his [URL=""]MultiMarkdown site[/URL].

Scrivener imports MultiMarkdown formatted outlines, and you can export from OmniOutliner to MultiMarkdown format if you:[LIST=1][*]copy Fletcher's [B]Markdown.ooxsl[/B] to
[B]~/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-In[/B][*]restart 003[*]choose the [B]MultiMarkdown (text)[/B] format from File>Export[/LIST]
Once you have created a Markdown text file version of your outline, you can import it into Scrivener through [B]File>Import>MultiMarkdown file ...[/B][/QUOTE]
Hello RobTrew,
I have tried this. I downloaded the bundled file from fletcherpenny. There was no plug-in folder after ..Application Support/Omniutliner 3 , so I created on and copied the .ooxsl folder, which contains other folders, into this new dicrectory. On restarting Omnioutliner, and choosing file/export, there is no multimarkdown option.
Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

RobTrew 2008-04-24 05:23 AM

[QUOTE=RedGrass;35997]..Application Support/Omniutliner 3[/QUOTE]

One possibility is that you are looking at the system level Library folder rather than the one beneath your home folder.

("~" is interpreted by OS X as a reference to your home folder")

In the finder choose Go>Go_to_Folder, and paste in the full string (including ~):

~/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-Ins

This should take you to the correct path.

kastorff 2008-04-24 06:30 AM

~/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-In
Should be "Plug-Ins" to work properly...

I also had to set the bundle bit on the plug-in after I expanded it, as it expanded to a folder. This may or may not be necessary for it to work.

RedGrass 2008-04-24 07:14 AM

it seems in the home folder path
[QUOTE=RobTrew;35998]One possibility is that you are looking at the system level Library folder rather than the one beneath your home folder.

("~" is interpreted by OS X as a reference to your home folder")

In the finder choose Go>Go_to_Folder, and paste in the full string (including ~):

~/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-In

This should take you to the correct path.[/QUOTE]

No the Markdown.ooxsl folder is in
Users/wolfgangkunze/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-In
then it is a folder which has a Contents folder which in turn has
info.plist and pddevelopment.plist files and another folder called Resources.
Inside the Resources folder are 2 flies: oo2markdown.xsl and oo2markdownAttachment.xsl.
I don't know how omnioutliner can parse all this but?!?

RedGrass 2008-04-24 07:19 AM

Yes, bonzer!
It works graus if the folder is named Plug-Ins
Thanks a lot mate.

RobTrew 2008-04-25 02:31 AM

Thanks - I've added the missing "s" to the original post.

nggalai 2008-05-25 06:41 AM

Hi there,

[QUOTE=kastorff;36000]I also had to set the bundle bit on the plug-in after I expanded it, as it expanded to a folder. This may or may not be necessary for it to work.[/QUOTE]

How do I set the “bundle bit” for the folder? With just the folder put into the Plug-Ins subfolder, OO3 doesn’t show MultiMarkdown in the export options for me.


Edith says: Seems as if the plug-in only works with OO 3 Professional. Bummer. :( Time for an upgrade, perhaps?

mjstarks 2009-08-12 01:04 AM

Perhaps it a file name error
When I downloaded it and unzipped it the resultant folder's name was actually:


which I just moved as is to the folder indicated. I couldn't get it to work until I renamed the folder to just "fletcher-Markdown.ooxsl" - at which point it began to appear as a single file in the finder. After a restart of Omni Outliner, I began to see the markdown options appear in the export menu as a save option.

Hope that helps.

jerrykrinock 2009-09-04 10:35 AM

[QUOTE=mjstarks;64438]...I renamed the folder to just "fletcher-Markdown.ooxsl" - at which point it began to appear as a single file in the finder. After a restart of Omni Outliner, I began to see the markdown options appear in the export menu as a save option.

I'd really like to try the Markdown export, but when I try this, it doesn't work:

1. It does not appear as a single file (package) in Finder
2. In OmniOutliner 3.9.1, I do not have an Export menu. Just to be clear, in the Main Menu
I have File > Export.
3. When I click this item it presents a dialog and in that dialog is a popup menu labelled "File Format".
4. When I click that popup menu, I get 11 items, the same as I had before relaunch
OmniOutliner. None of them indicate "fletcher" or "Markdown"

Regarding 1., I believe it does not appear as a package because it does not have a "Contents/PkgInfo" file. This is typically an 8-byte file which tells Finder "This is a package". Maybe that's the problem?

Thanks to anyone that can help!

Jerry Krinock

Here's a Terminal session which shows my installation...

Jerrys-Mac-Mini:~ jk$ cd "/Users/jk/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-Ins/fletcher-Markdown.ooxsl"
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:fletcher-Markdown.ooxsl jk$ ls -al
total 24
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 jk 501 170 Sep 4 10:51 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 jk 501 136 Sep 4 11:19 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jk 501 6148 Sep 4 10:51 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 jk 501 170 Sep 4 10:51 Contents
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jk 501 444 Jul 10 14:49
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:fletcher-Markdown.ooxsl jk$ cd Contents
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:Contents jk$ ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 jk 501 170 Sep 4 10:51 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 jk 501 170 Sep 4 10:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jk 501 1715 Jul 10 14:49 Info.plist
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 jk 501 136 Jul 10 14:49 Resources
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jk 501 318 Jul 10 14:49 pbdevelopment.plist
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:Contents jk$ cd Resources
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:Resources jk$ ls -al
total 48
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 jk 501 136 Jul 10 14:49 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 jk 501 170 Sep 4 10:51 ..
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jk 501 8673 Jul 10 14:49 oo2markdown.xsl
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 jk 501 8741 Jul 10 14:49 oo2markdownAttachment.xsl
Jerrys-Mac-Mini:Resources jk$

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