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Angostura 2008-05-22 05:31 AM

Cropping an image
Is it possible to crop an image (a company logo) within Omnigraffle 5? If so, how?

I suppose I could crop the original in Preview and save out as a PDF and then import but, I'd rather just like to do it within OG itself.

KeynoteKen 2008-05-22 06:44 AM

You may find some useful information in the help. Do a search for -placing- then click on the entry for [B]Placing graphics inside a shape with the Image inspector[/B]

Angostura 2008-05-22 10:04 AM

Sadly, nothing there.

KeynoteKen 2008-05-22 12:26 PM

This image was altered using the information mentioned above. It isn't as easy as using Preview, but it is possible.

[url=]Click for full size[/url] - [color=#A7A7A7]Uploaded with [url=]plasq[/url]'s [url=]Skitch[/url][/color]

Angostura 2008-05-22 03:13 PM

Apologies: even having read the instructions it didn't occur to me to manipulate the image via the image well, rather than directly on the page. What a curious system. Still it works fine, so thank you and apologies once again for not examining the page more carefully.

... and if anyone from Omni is reading this, could I suggest you amend the help text slightly so that it mentions the word 'crop', it's a fairly standard term and I'm sure I won't be the only person searching for the functionality.

santra 2008-09-28 04:34 AM

A step-by-step explanation of this
Not being able to find "crop" in the Help section drove me nuts. Here's my take on how to do this (step-by-step):

- How to CROP an image to a canvas or object
- Select the canvas or object
- Open Inspector
- Style
- Image
- The big rectangle at the top left is called the "Image Well"
- DRAG your image from your desktop or a Finder window right ONTO
the Image Well
- If you have problems doing this:
- Position both OmniGraffle and the Finder window on your
desktop so BOTH are completely visible, including
OmniGraffle's inspector
- Make SURE the graphic file is visible in Finder
- Make SURE the "focus" is on OmniGraffle and the Inspector
- Now click and drag the image file from the Finder window
right onto the Image Well
- DON'T WORRY that you are not first "selecting" the image in
the Finder window, or that it isn't "pre-highlighted"
(selected); this will work anyway
- Do NOT drag the image right onto the canvas or object
- That will only PREVENT you from cropping later on
- Now you can use the slider control directly below the Image Well
to shrink/enlarge the image until it correctly bleeds right to
the edge(s) of (fills) the canvas or object; and FYI whichever edges
(L/R or T/B) are going to get "cropped out" you won't have the benefit of
seeing; you'll only be able to monitor the "final outcrop" of your (this)
cropping operation

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