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mhedstrom 2008-07-10 09:02 AM

Instructions for using WebDav with OF?
With 1.1 sneaky peek alpha out to everyone who wants it, are there any instructions about how to set up a WebDav server to work with OF? I've got the WebDav server set up, but it's probably not set up to work correctly with anything from OF, and I'm not sure how to do that.

To be more specific, I'm not entirely sure what to put into my /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-dav.conf file since all the directions I'm finding talk about ical.

jklymak 2008-07-10 04:24 PM

I used the instructions at [url][/url]

Note that the directory:[url]http://yourhost/ical/[/url] is where webdav requests go to. Your ical and omnifocus info can co-exist in there fine.

In the "sync" preference, I just put [url]http://yourhost/ical/[/url] and OF created a document called "OmniFocus.ofocus" that it uses for syncing.

I guess to sync different ofocus documents, I'd need to set up more directories, but the above seems to work for me w/o too much effort.

I do recall having to wipe my databases at some point. Not sure if that was necessary, but I thought it was at the time!

Lizard 2008-07-10 07:45 PM

Here's another detailed tutorial for those comfy poking around in config files: (I have not tested it, this person doesn't work for Omni, nor were they compensated by us)


nalini02 2008-11-25 02:39 AM


This person is very smart

JamesBancroft 2008-11-25 11:40 PM

Instructions for using WebDav with OF?

This person is very smart.Here's another detailed tutorial for those comfy poking around in config files: (I have not tested it, this person doesn't work for Omni, nor were they compensated by us)

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