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Shotster 2008-07-20 02:42 PM

OmniFocus Task & Project URLs
How does one construct a properly formed task URL? When I create something like the following...[INDENT]omnifocus:///task/fFDjjBkDXaL[/INDENT]...and click the link, the OF app comes to the fore, but that's it. I was expecting the task specified in the URL to be opened or highlighted or something. Anyone have any ideas?



Ken Case 2008-07-20 03:34 PM

Select a task, then select "Copy as Link" from the Edit menu (or the contextual menu). You can then paste that link somewhere else: into the note of another task, or into a web browser, or whatever.

Clicking on that link opens an OmniFocus window with that task selected.

Shotster 2008-07-20 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;41820]Clicking on that link opens an OmniFocus window with that task selected.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't on my machine. The OF app is activated, but the task is not selected. It would be far more useful if the task was selected. I suspect this might be an oversight or bug in the program.


LawDaddy 2008-07-20 04:28 PM

Works here. Pasting the link into Safari opens a window focused on the project the task is in with the task highlighted.

Ken Case 2008-07-20 05:32 PM

[QUOTE=Shotster;41823]It doesn't on my machine. The OF app is activated, but the task is not selected. It would be far more useful if the task was selected. I suspect this might be an oversight or bug in the program.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I believe you, but I can't seem to reproduce this here. For a moment I thought maybe it was a bug where the default perspective might be filtering out the action you were trying to open, but in my quick tests OmniFocus seems to correctly change the filter state to include that action in the new window. (Then I thought maybe it was that I'm using the sneaky peeks of version 1.1 and perhaps we'd fixed it, but I just went back and tested in 1.0.3 and that worked for me there, too.)

Anyway, if it's not behaving properly for you then it's definitely a bug: could you report it to our OmniFocus support ninjas at [email][/email]? They'll be able to look into the problem in more depth.


Shotster 2008-07-20 05:44 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;41830]Anyway, if it's not behaving properly for you then it's definitely a bug: could you report it to our OmniFocus support ninjas at [email][/email]? They'll be able to look into the problem in more depth.[/QUOTE]

After some monkeying around, I discovered the bug. When I downloaded and launched OF to try it out, the program informed me that it couldn't locate the DB, so it prompted me to create a new one. I did, but the DB location in the prefs was not updated. So basically, I was using the DB I just created in one location, and the prefs still indicated the default DB in the default location. In that situation, the task URLs do not work. They just bring OF to the foreground, but the task is not selected. If the DB location specified in the prefs does in fact match the open DB, then all is well.


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