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fjordaan 2008-08-05 08:12 AM

Can't create PDF: "Failure when trying to produce data of type Apple PDF pasteboard"
I'm trying to create a PDF of a 30-canvas document that worked fine until recently.

During PDF creation, I get a dialog box saying "Error when printing", and then another dialog box saying "The document [name.graffle] could not be saved to [name.pdf]. Failure when trying to produce data of type Apple PDF pasteboard type - check the console for messages.

The console has the following:

[CODE]===== Tuesday, 5 August 2008 17:03:51 Europe/London =====
2008-08-05 17:05:15.794 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:16.083 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:16.272 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:16.809 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:16.883 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:16.919 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:18.743 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Exception in [<OGShadowCacheManager: 0x16114490> drawGraphic:inView:forceCacheOnly:]: Error (1007) creating CGSWindow
2008-08-05 17:05:20.345 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Unlocking Focus on wrong view ({
"01_frame" = "{{19592, 0}, {2448, 1584}}";
"__self__" = "<RenderingView: 0x161d1530>";
}), expected {"01_frame" = "{{801, 6}, {82, 32}}"; "__self__" = "<NSButton: 0x15b1950>"; }
2008-08-05 17:05:20.911 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] unlockFocus called too many time.[/CODE]

I don't know if it's related, but when I open the OG document, I also get these errors in Console (but OG otherwise functions normally):

[CODE]2008-08-05 17:02:05.986 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] -[NSScriptSuiteRegistry aeteResource:] - the only supported language name is English.
2008-08-05 17:02:07.191 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] Warning: image "1" not found; removing image fill
2008-08-05 17:02:07.192 OmniGraffle Professional[1967] <OGShapeTool: 0x161561f0> loadTool: Unknown shape "2427381E-C855-4E16-A447-F65CB17DCE32-255-000016E0ACFC7CB5", will replace with Rectangle
Aug 5 17:02:07 francois-jordaans-computer-2 /Applications/OmniGraffle Professional Professional: CGGStackRestore: gstack underflow.[/CODE]

I have tried exporting the canvases I have recently added individually (including some which have pasted-in bitmaps), but all these PDFs were created successfully.

[B]I would really appreciate prompt help on this, as this has come out of the blue and I need to produce this PDF on a tight deadline. [/B]

fjordaan 2008-08-05 08:27 AM

The problem has inexplicably disappeared. All that I've changed is to quit Parallels in order to free up system resources.

JKT 2008-08-05 01:42 PM

The Error (1007) creating CGS Window is something I have seen far too much of on Leopard when using memory intensive apps (e.g. RapidWeaver often fails to publish for me with this error message - my site is very large and uses a lot of RAM to publish). I suspect it is an OS bug rather than an app specific one, but it is incredibly annoying when it occurs. If you check out all the messages in console do you also start to see lots of malloc errors around the same time? That has been another symptom I have seen when this error occurs.

JKT 2008-08-05 01:44 PM

Btw, I believe CGS stands for Core Graphics System, which suggests the bug is there and Apple's to solve.

Barry S 2010-10-12 11:37 PM

Failure when trying to produce data of type BMP - check the console for messages
Hi Guys,

I've been getting this error quite a bit lately...

Seems that if i'm working on a large canvas (80cm x 120cm) and using high quality PNG and PDF's to create my images the file size climbs a bit

As soon as I try to create a PDF/BMP/PNG via the export function I get this message

The document “...” could not be exported as “...”. Failure when trying to produce data of type BMP - check the console for messages

Now the console returns some random error which makes no sense,

Any suggestions?


(iMac 27'' 2.8 i7, with 8GB Ram, OSX 10.6.2)

DerekAsirvadem 2010-10-14 06:17 AM

Failure when trying to produce data of type Apple PDF pasteboard
1 Yes, it is an Apple bug.

2 But it is no big deal to work around. Just delete the file you are trying to write (Eg. export PDF vector image), and then export.

heavyside 2011-10-31 02:19 PM

delete the file you are trying to write?
hi guys -

this last post seems to suggest there is a fix for this... but i don't understand it - i.e.: what does delete the file you're trying to write mean?

is there anyway to fix this error? i get the same thing when i'm exporting large files to PDF on osx 10.6.8


illustrata 2011-11-24 01:13 PM

Just in case it applies to anyone else, I have gotten the "Failure to to produce data of type..." message when I accidentally try to export canvases marked for non-printing.

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