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Renault 2006-07-06 04:55 AM

SP17: POSIX error: Too many open files

I had this strange message when surfin with OW5.5 sp17. I don't have it with FireFox so I assume it could be a bug of OW.

Cannot Load Address

Stopped loading <>: POSIX error: Too many open files


Handycam 2006-07-06 05:08 AM

loads fine for me...

Renault 2006-07-06 06:11 AM

It has happened after several hours of browsing. It works correctly now. I'm not able to reproduce this problem.

afb 2006-07-06 07:41 PM

I'm guessing this is an OS error and has nothing to do with the site itself. OS X sets limits by process on open files, so after browsing for a long time, OW would have opened lots of cache files. I would guess that restarting OW would solve this.

Renault 2006-07-06 10:15 PM

Yes, restarting OW did resolved the problem. One can think that some files (or socket) are not closed as they should be.

Mad Hatter 2006-07-07 05:36 AM

Uploading attachment vBulletin
[I]OW SP17, 10.4.7[/I]
I was trying to upload a small jpeg 38k attachment to vBulletin BBS.
Get this error message:[INDENT] Cannot Load Address

Stopped loading
: POSIX error: Invalid argument

No trouble in FF, and I'd have to retry with SP16 to see if that still works.

troyb 2006-07-07 05:53 PM

Some people have started seeing this or even an outright crash when uploading. We're looking into this, sorry for the inconvenience here.

Mad Hatter 2006-07-09 05:20 AM

Some comfort in not being alone in seeing a problem I guess ;)
The only thing that might be unique to my system is I installed:

I actually prefer using FF for working with vBulletin because the full screen editor WYSIWYG is easier to use, and see what it will be. So that means often having both browsers open.

I have not touched Safari, no idea if this happens there - only when something else chooses to use Safari (rather than look and use the system default for WWW) does SAfari ever get launched.

Morto 2006-07-10 06:07 PM

Same thing, and then some
I have also seen the "POSIX error: Too many open files" with SP17. The solution was to simply quit and restart OW. It always happens after OW has been open for some time and I'm opening a bunch of background tabs as I scroll down a news site or something.

Similarly, I have found that in all sneaky peeks so far that if I leave OW open and idle for awhile (4 or 5 hours) that when I start browsing again it will sometimes fail to load images and / or css stylesheets correctly. The text all loads up fine, but most (not all - most) of the images are missing (and will load if I right click -> Load image) and the layout is messed up and arranged serially as if the css stylesheet was missing. I usually notice it when I visit [url][/url], but it happens with all sites once it starts happening. Also, once this happens, the Omniweb Icon in the dock disappears (goes completely transparent). Quitting Omniweb and restarting always fixes the issue, except for the dock icon, for which I have to remove OW from the dock, and then drag it back in again. I've been having the exact same problem since I started toying with the sps back at sp 10. I'm running 10.4.7 on an 2 GHz Intel Duo 20" iMac.

OW 5.1.3 works perfectly in both of these regards.

Morto 2006-08-16 02:58 PM

I have noticed that the error:

Stopped loading <>: POSIX error: Too many open files

has cropped up again in Beta 2 and persists in Beta 3. It only happens for me after I have left the browser open for some time and used it for a few hours. Then it just refuses to load anything and throws up the posix error. Quitting and restarting the browser solves the problem temporarily.

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