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Blodwyn 2008-08-28 12:24 PM

Chalkboard template default text size
How do I change the default text size in the chalkboard template to 12 point (and the line thicknesses to 1 point)? The default 36 point is way too big for my diagrams. I can change the sizes after I've made the entries, but any new text I enter in the outline pane always gets created at 36 point in the diagram. Option-clicking the text toolbar icon pops up the fonts panel with 12 point highlighted.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but for the life of me I can't see where to change it.


Joel 2008-08-28 12:43 PM

You'll likely have to make a new Diagram Style and new Template in combination here:

- Make a new document based on the Chalkboard template
- Change your font size and stroke width (and in this case, the line length in the Diagram Layout Inspector)
- Export this as a Diagram Style
- Make a new document based on the Chalkboard template, again
- Apply the newly saved Diagram Style
- Export this now as a template

Hope that helps,

Blodwyn 2008-08-28 01:25 PM

Thanks, a couple of questions

- Change your font size and stroke width (and in this case, the line length in the Diagram Layout Inspector)

To do this I have to create a couple of entries on the diagram, I can't seem to change any of the options with a blank canvas

- Export this as a Diagram Style

Done this, saved to the desktop. Not sure where it should go - see next point

- Make a new document based on the Chalkboard template, again
- Apply the newly saved Diagram Style

Don't know how to apply the new diagram style, it doesn't show up in the Format>Choose Diagram Style selection box, presumably because I didn't save it in the correct place. I looked in Library/Application Support/OmniGraffle, but doesn't look like it goes there

Joel 2008-08-28 01:44 PM

- You will need to create at least one object to get the font size to stick, and at least one connection line for the stroke width.

- Diagram Styles should go in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniGraffle/Diagram Styles/ in order to show up. You can create this directory/path in the Finder if desired, or you can create a New Resource -> New Diagram Style from the File Menu, save it, and the folder will be created automatically by OmniGraffle.

Blodwyn 2008-08-28 01:53 PM


Thanks for your help. I would never have stumbled on that solution.

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