Thread: No app icon
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I would suggest that the next version of the app be created in a 'two part' format (i thought that is how v1 was made, but I wasn't paying close enough attention at first).

Part 1 would be the configuration application. This would work like the current OD interface, with all the options and whatnot. (as either a standalone app like it currently is, or better yet a preference pane, or at least a pref pane that launches the app, so i don't have to dig around for it)

Part 2 would be the 'part that does the work'. This would be a faceless background app, so you wouldn't have anything in the dock taking up space, and you wouldn't have a random utility showing up in the cmd-tab task switcher mucking up your workflow.

The 'part 2' / 'engine' would be the piece that started up automatically on logon of course.