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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Sculwell, I helped with the Postbox guys... about a year ago?... to add their own "Send to OmniFocus" feature. Can't remember the specifics of how it works, but I know it's in there. :-)
I wish you could help some Thunderbird guys do the same thing in Thunderbird. I know PB is similar and based of much of the same code, but very few TB add-ons work with PB. If I could just send TB messages to OF, it would close a big loop in the workflow.


That or if you folks could somehow integrate adding new tasks to OF via e-mail directed to your sync server so that wasn't necessary to make that happen. That would probably ease a bunch of issues for a lot of people (e.g., windows users at work who want to add tasks without keeping open at home; android phone users who want to add tasks to their desktop or ipad OF without keeping mail app running, People like me, etc.).