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1) Multiple data types would be nice, but as long as OO iPhone doesn't mess up column types for existing documents, I'd be happy. If OO iPhone doesn't support column types, it would also be nice if I could later use OO Mac/iPad with something like data detectors to convert text columns from iPhone to dates, numbers, etc.

2) OO iPhone would be very useful even with plain text; simple formatting (bold, italic) would be great. Full formatting is by no means necessary, again, as long as OO iPhone doesn't mess up formatting on existing documents (it wouldn't even have to display it, just preserve it), that's fine.

3) No.

4) Need basic editing capabilities. A viewer would be better than nothing. DHTML is insufficient for my needs—see below.

5) Would ideally like iCloud syncing or Dropbox compatibility, with round trip capability, so that a file created on one device would be editable on others.

I would like to use OO to replace much of what I currently do in plain text note apps on Mac/iPhone/iPad right now—writing down notes, collecting simple data, brainstorming.

Here's my basic requirements:

* Create and edit basic outlines. Multi-column support would be ideal, column data type support not necessary.
* Be able to expand and format outlines created on OO iPhone with OO Mac/iPad.
* Be able to continue to access and edit these OO files through iPhone (and iPad and Mac)—so some sort of cloud-based storage such as iCloud or Dropbox would be ideal. The way iWork currently does cloud sync between iPhone and iPad is a good example, but I would want this functionality on Mac as well.
* With respect to handling feature set differences between pltaforms—it's fine if I can't change formatting (or column types, or other fancy things) done on Mac, but I'd like that formatting to be preserved. If maintaining formatting between Mac/iPad/iPhone is too complicated, I'd be happy to be happy to be able to share simpler outlines between these apps, as long as there's a "simple mode" on Mac and iPad that restricts the features of those apps to ensure compatibility with iPhone. I could use this least common denominator feature set on all devices to compose outlines, and then use the Mac or iPad to format them—that would be an acceptable workflow as well.

Hope to see OO for iPhone after the release of OO 4! I'd gladly pay for a new iPhone app and buy upgrades to existing Mac and iPad versions of OO for this sort of capability, which would make OO infinitely more useful to me.

Last edited by mward; 2012-01-30 at 09:22 PM..