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Originally Posted by Amilius View Post
I used MobileMe too and now that that is coming to an end OF will have to be updated for the sync preference to iCloud. From this post:
It looks like a more stable way to go is with OSS until iCloud server feature has been updated in the preferences.
Note that Omni Group hasn't specifically said they will be supporting iCloud as a sync mechanism for OmniFocus. They have said other document-based apps (OO, OG, etc.) will use it. OF isn't really document-based and this may be a challenge, especially with the "very compatible with old OS X versions" data model of OmniFocus, it would force it to drop support for 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 which it currently supports. That's a lot of pruning ;-)

Best bet once iDisk goes away is the Omni Sync server, IMO.