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Thanks for the replies, this definitely gives me the info I need to make a good purchase.

@Brian: I really appreciate the detailed explanation on Dropbox vs. Cloud sync. Its a fine, but critical distinction. I feel I can trust cloud sync solutions now.

Another reason I'm dropping Things is their limited ability to nest and sub-categorize projects. I didn't want to initially bore forum readers with my workflow, but: I just find I'm working around Things's paradigm too much. I think of my projects as a collections of tasks, with some of those tasks involving a series of mini-steps. Perhaps I'm violating somebody's sense of "pure" GTD, but hey, its my tool for my life.

I can probably live without tags. I didn't use them as much as I thought I would, but backward compatibility is nice.

Tags & Hierarchical Tags are a great tool for sorting and filtering out large elements with overlapping categories. Things lets you do this without custom programming. I find this great for brainstorming & initial planning of complex projects, but there may be other uses. That's a whole separate thread and topic.