Thread: Mind Mapping?
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Unfortunately this does not work for me, when using the OmniGraffle MindMap Stencil. Not very convinient.
As far as I know, the mind mapping stencil was created, by a third party, before real mind mapping became possible in OmniGraffle. The items created with the stencil are just graphical objects like any other, not mind map items.

To do mind mapping in OmniGraffle Professional, I recommend first opening the utilities drawer, make sure the outline tab is selected, and at the bottom choose Brainstorming - Clouds as your diagram style (doesn't have to be that but it looks good). I create the initial item in the outline drawer but then switch my focus to the main document area and use mainly the Command-Control-Arrow combinations to add new items. These can be tidied up later in the outline drawer if need be. I recommend experimenting with turning the auto layout on and off.

OG isn't a specialist mind mapping tool, and doesn't have the full feature set of things like Novamind, nor the simplicity of Incubator or Pyramid. But a colleague and I often turn to it when we're stuck cowriting a paper, and find the combination graphic/outline interface very helpful.