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I think GTD itself is very hard to implement even with pen and paper.

Like many GTD folks, I've fallen off the bandwagon because adopting GTD is a difficult process.

After reading, the blogger at that site argues that you should view GTD as a series of habits to adopt over time. Master one part of GTD and then move on to the next habit to adopt.

As for overpriced software? I think I have made more than my purchase price with this software. Using OmniFocus for my professional and personal life has made my workflow more efficient. Yes, it did take some elbow grease and some time in the gym to get it done but I did eventually nail it.

I know that Adobe Suite is very expensive and overpriced. But for those who make their living off of that software package, they probably made up all that money and even more.

Of course, for the rest of us, we can decide to buy other software packages that are more on par with our needs. I know that Photoshop is just overkill for me. So I decided to buy Pixelmator. It fits my graphic needs and I don't miss Photoshop at all.

On the other side of software development, Adobe has come out with yearly releases of their Adobe Suite and have charged customers every year for the new update. I know of many customers who have update fatigue and are still on Adobe Suite CS4. They are comfortable working with CS4 even though they know that CS6 is already released.

If we see Omni Group adapt Adobe's sales strategy with an annual update, we would see nothing but posts about "well, I'm sticking with last year's update. I don't see anything I want with this year's update." or "why are they charging us for these small updates?"

Would it be fair to argue that Photoshop itself is difficult to use and expensive? Yet there are users who would swear by it and drank the Kool Aid!

The rest of us are happy with Graphic Converter, Pixelmator, or Acorn - much cheaper and fits our needs adequately.

If OmniFocus isn't for you, there is always Things or The Hit List. There are also the numerous online GTD packages that can be utilized.