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This still annoys the life out of me,, this donkey assed implementation is ridiculous (sorry bout the insults but its getting on my nerves). Im trying to get, its in my bookmarks, but ive been recently on the harmony-central user forum which uses the url

If i type 'harm' in Safari the first in the list is harmony-central. If i type the same 'harm' in OW i get ''. If i have 150+ threads at the forums i have visited in history an only once had i visited the root im forced to scroll a MASSIVE list to get the root harmony-central which is ALWAYS at the very bottom of the list. If i wanted the forums i should just type 'acap' an have this autocomplete. This is an incomprehensibly BONHEADED URL autocomplete implementation. Not only does this occur with harmony central but nearly any website i visit, this is getting beyond a joke.

PLEASE can OW have AUTOCOMPLETE exactly like SAFARI??????? If so when is this getting worked on, ive waited for many years but still nothing has been done. I doubt it would take very much effort. Even Microsoft's Autocomplete works logically, if those muppets can get it right an they had that right years ago (and Apple never had a browser they could copy) im sure the OG crew could come up with something.

Please im begging for some revision here. Ive posted details previously on how it should work, im not going to detail that here, just make it work like Safari.

Thanks for letting me cry like a biotch.