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I just can't see any OSX developer having much success on Microsoft's playing field. Microsoft has deliberately created barriers to developers on non-Windows platforms. Therefore, trying to integrate any OSX app with Exchange is going to be problematic . . . consider the less than wonderful integration between Entourage and Exchange!

Accept that Microsoft techonologies are designed to play nice with Mirosoft's own stuff to the exclusion others (for the most part), and move on. It is a force of nature, and there is little point in fighting it (at least for most us!).

If you are like me, this means that you are going to maintain many if not most of your @Work generated NAs and all of your formal project mangement on your PC at work; and use your Macs for everything else. For example, I can e-mail @Work NAs back-and-forth as needed, but I mostly manually update status on my MBP when it is worth the time and effort to do so (i.e. is it worth the time and effor to do the double data entry?).

It is an irritant not being able to do everything on my Macs, but I would have to find another job that is Mac-friendly to do so. I am not quitting an otherwise perfectly fine job to correct an irritating GTD workflow problem, nor am I expecting Omni to fix platform problems of Microsoft's design.