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Hi all,
I have been using Omnifocus for a few years without any issues, but suddenly today Omnifocus on both my phone and my Macbook Pro are giving me problems with the due date.
(I am running the latest version, 1.10.3, on a 2.66 GHz i7 Macbook Pro with 8 Gb of Ram and runnign OS X 10.6.8, iPhone is a 4s).
Basically, no matter what due date I put into an action it stays in the "Due soon" window. Even if I delete the due date or change the due date and hit the "Clean Up" button it stays in the Due Soon window. (Due soon is set to 24 hours). The only way I can get it to move out of the Due Soon window is by setting the due date to a past date, whereupon the action gets highlighted in red and moved to the top of the Due Soon window (as it should with normal behaviour). I have tried re-building my database and have also tried the same thing on my iPhone and then syncing but still no joy. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help. (I'm going to try re-starting my MBP now to see if that fixes it).