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I like the clean look of the new interface and I am looking forward to using OF2.

I heard that there may be further as yet unpublicised features, so here is a feedback request for what it is worth.

I may be a lone voice here, but there are projects I work on which are available in more than one context, for example projects where I can continue working on my desktop mac, my ipad, or macbook. I would really like to assign an action to more than one context, so that my reference list is Context aware.

On a similar vein, I find that "People" are an important category which need to float across "Context" groups. Any chance that multi-contexts might be showing up in OF2? or at least cheat-tagging such that "People" can be tagged if not contextualised?

I know, I know, database sort orders prefer single entries etc. but think of the usefulness...