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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
If you have difficulty with having a Joe context at several points in the context hierarchy, make a perspective to collate them all together.

Rule of thumb: if OmniFocus is frequently showing you tasks which you cannot do, you've either assigned the tasks to the wrong contexts, your context structure needs refactoring to capture the distinction between the tasks you can and cannot do, or both.
You're assuming that everyone uses the Mac App, but I very rarely get into it due to location and having to use Windows at work.

To be honest, my problem is the other way around. I'm not seeing things I need to do because there's no way to assign Actions to multiple contexts where thins can be done and I can't see a way to do this without multiple tags.

You seem to see multiple tags as having only having an OR relationship, which is one use, e.g. Fred, or Rose or John, but it can also have an AND relationship. Phone AND Alert AND Laptop AND Fred. Yes that can be done as project but that seems pretty inflexible. What if you have all there, or 3 of the 4 which you can quickly rope the 4th into.

Different people work different ways.