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Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
Just thought of another reason for tagging contexts...

Let's say I have projects that involve showing john a project proposal A and also calling him to ask a question about project B.

-show john proposal: @work, @agendas, @john

-call John about moving forward: @work, @john, @calls

Now let's say I have a meeting with John. If the system were on a pda, I could select

for my context

and see
-show john proposal
-call john about moving forward
This is the most concise and useful depiction of the value of multiple contexts per task. I am completely in favor of OF employing this scheme. The beauty of it is that anyone who insists on 1 context per task is completely free to do so without altering the app at all, including choosing an option or preference. Simply stop assigning contexts after the first one.
