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Originally Posted by Jon12345 View Post
Under my Today perspective, it shows under Status: Due or Flagged. Surely that means Due today, rather than anything with a Due date?

Otherwise, how do you deal with repeating tasks?

If I set a start date for 4am, does this mean it won't show up? Do I have to do this every day or just once?
I'm pretty sure that "Due" means that the item has a due date.
"Due Soon" means the items has a due date that meets the criteria for "Due Soon" that you have set in the preferences.

I just tested it. Due or Flagged gives all items that are due or have a flag (subject to the whatever availability filter you have selected). Due Soon gives you items that meet the due soon criteria from preferences.

Are there other items in the Daily Rituals project that you want to show? Or would you prefer to just exclude them?

You may already know how to do this. If so, apologies in advance, but if you'd like to just exclude the ritual items, go to project mode, select the folders/projects that you want included in the perspective, then hit focus. This will filter out the daily rituals project/folder. Switch to context mode. Actuate the filters that you want. Save the perspective again.

From then on, when you select this perspective, it will not include the daily rituals.

Otherwise, if you want daily rituals tasks in this view, do as Dale says. Adjust the start date

So if you have it set up to repeat every day, set your start date for a time like 3:30am, then set your due date for the time of day that you want the thing done by.

In the dialog box, you'll say that at the bottom is will say "Next Start:"

The repeat is every day, then the next start date will be 24 hours from the last one, and the next due date will be 24 hours from the due date you set.

Conversely, if you said repeat every 5 minutes, then the next start date would be 5 minutes after the start date you set, and the next due date would be 5 minutes after the due date you set.

At least that's how it seems to be working for me.