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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Brad, I've attached you to the feature request we have open on this in our development database so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added.

In case it helps: we generally organize our development work around delivering the most popular requests first.

The items at the top of that list currently have two-point-something times as many customers attached, but adding you to the request will help it move up that list. If other folks ask for it here or via email that'll also help.

(After I post this, I'll go back through the thread and make sure that any posters that aren't already in the database get added.)
I am new to the ipad app and am also really shocked that I can't see my actions in order of due date. Right now I'm specifically doing my weekly review and would like to review my items in the order they need to be done. Maybe I'm too new to the program to understand this right, but if I need to review the week ahead, how do I do that if I can't see things in order? I have to manually sort them by date each time?