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Originally Posted by DerekM View Post
Do you find yourself wanting to toggle all images between showing and an icon frequently? Or are you just looking to get them all showing the image and leave it that way?
Yes Derek, I do tend to use the tool fairly often. I teach design courses, so I use the images to help plan out my semester. I often switch between the display with tags and the display in-line settings. Some pages I have set to show me the images while others I have them closed and they just have a tag. The beauty about the way it works in version 3 is that changing the view to in-line opens them all. Changing back to the tags setting collapses all the ones I don't want to see, while at the same time leaving the ones that I had set to be open, open.
Taking this a step further, it would be grand to have a command that would close all the images at once so that then I could open just the ones I want during a given planning session. Sort of a "collapse all" for images.

Additionally, it would be really nice to be able to resize the image within OO. at the moment, when I import an image and it's too large, I have to open it, and edit it. I have found a cheat of sorts: I reveal the contents of the package and do a bulk resizing of the images there. It's rough, but with hundreds of images in some of my outlines, it speeds things up greatly.

Thanks, Scott