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Originally Posted by Terry
...I was thinking that it's too bad that GTD isn't already possible in OSX. That's when it dawned on me that OSX does include the basic building block for GTD.
Ready-Set-Do! for is not tied to a particular application for GTD purposes, but it does rely on the OS IIRC.

What does everyone seem to do with their data in a GTD app? They sync it with iCal.
I don’t. I prefer not to use iCal or Address Book. Unfortunately they are becoming the ‘standard’ so any application I do use better have synchronization capabilities with iCal and Address Book.

...Related to this is the GTD Context, or doing stuff based on where we are at the moment. What determines where we're going to be? More than likely some Event (the pretty view in iCal) that makes us be some place at a set time. Not always, but this is how it is for me.
For me a context is not merely a physical place. I can be at my desk and use the context @Phone, @Email, @Computer, etc. Same place, different contexts.