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Originally Posted by vocaro
I sync with iCal so that my next actions will propagate to all my other devices via Sync Services. In other words, as soon as the GTD app syncs with iCal, BOOM! The data is everywhere: On my iPod, my Treo, my other Macs...
I agree - iGTD is now my front end and editing platform for my tasks and projects. Oh, I will add some to iCal when needed or my Palm, but it then gets synced back to iGTD. Why iCal? I've added things to it like mailtags and Mail Act-On which greatly add to iCal's GTD capabilities. Then there's the syncing to my Palm. I also use Quicksilver for quick insertions into iGTD. In all, I like the package I've put together; iCal is an integral part of it.