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Lately I've been finding it harder to focus when viewing my long list of tasks. My database is quite large and I for instance sometimes have 100 tasks in a project or in my Inbox. There are two things that happen with OF2 that I find prevents me from keeping focus on getting stuff done:

1. When I check off tasks, there will be a number of things that occur in the list...either the list will scroll up to the top without me even initiating that, or the list will move up or down slightly. or my tasks will move around, leaving me with no clue as to where I was before checking off that task...the animation is great and amusing but it makes it hard to focus. I tend to cringe when I check off a task, not knowing if my list will re-arrange itself again and I will have to start over from the top. It's a big time waster for me, and doesn't happen on the iPad version.

2. I suppose it's when background sync kicks in, but much of what was mentioned in (1) above occurs without me even checking off a task. For some reason, the first tasks on my list appear again, and I have to start looking down my list from scratch. Is there any way to make sync better, or if it's not related to background sync, is there a reason why this was implemented?