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Finally got it to work! I made five of these in the attached zip file to make it easy for anyone interested.

property prependPriority : "{5} " --Set the priority for your task here

tell application "OmniFocus"
	-- Target the content of the front window
	tell content of front window
		-- Retrieve every selected task
		set theTasks to value of every selected tree
		-- Notify the user if no tasks are selected
		if theTasks = {} then
			display alert "Unable to apply priority to selected task names" message "No tasks were selected. Please select one or more OmniFocus tasks and try again." as warning
		end if
		-- Begin looping through the tasks
		repeat with currentTask in theTasks
			-- Initialize counting variable
			set tasksProcessed to 0
			-- Begin looping through the tasks
			repeat with currentTask in theTasks
				-- Target the current task
				tell currentTask
					-- Retrieve the name of the current task
					set theTaskName to name
					do shell script "<<<" & quoted form of theTaskName & " sed -E 's/\\{[0-9]+\\} //'"
					set thePriority to the result
					set name to the "" & prependPriority & "" & thePriority & ""
					-- Increment the number of tasks processed
					set tasksProcessed to tasksProcessed + 1
				end tell
			end repeat
		end repeat
		-- Notify the user how many tasks were processed
		set theAlert to "" & tasksProcessed & " tasks were set to the priority: " & prependPriority & ""
		display alert theAlert
	end tell
end tell
Attached Files
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