Originally Posted by stephenll
I think the only piece that is missing is the ability to take image attachments on the hard drive into a outliner document via applescript.
Can applescript do this in omnioutliner 4.0?
You bet! Try something like this:
-- Set this path to whatever you like
set MyPath to "/Applications/OmniOutliner.app/Contents/Resources/HelpImages/oo4mac_aboutbox.png"
tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner4"
set MyDoc to (make new document with properties {writes wrapper:false})
make new row at end of rows of MyDoc
set MyRow to row 1 of MyDoc
set MyCell to cell 2 of MyRow
tell text of MyCell
make new file attachment with properties {file name:POSIX file MyPath, embedded:true} at before character 1
end tell
end tell
We've posted a new support article describing the
AppleScript Changes in OmniOutliner 4.