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Originally Posted by steve
To add on to this thread:

I love how in itunes you can check on the length of a playlist or your library. A playlist could be 45 minutes and the entire music library could be 9.5 days.

I would be fantastic if you focus on a project and see that you had 1.5 hours left or look at all of your tasks within a particular range and see that you are estimated 50.5 hours of NA's.

For me and my geekiness, this would be a cool way to motivate myself to crank through a project. It could also be helpful when a boss wants to add on a new project to have the ability to say, "I currently estimate that I have a nine day back up before I start that new project. However, I could put the Smith project on hold in which case I would have a four day back-up."

It would also be fantastic to see this in terms of contexts. You could look at your email context and see that you have 20 minutes of emails to crank out. It would be fun to see the time get reduced every time you checked off another task.
I second that. It would be a big help in answering that inevitable question: "WHEN can you implement this request?"