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Okay... Crazy question. Maybe :) I'm a photographer who recently switched over to Macs. I am looking for a nice page layout tool (or multipurpose tool) for easily creating album and folio pages.

I have been playing around with OmniGraffle for this and it seems like it could be my answer. This tool doesn't have to be a full blown DTP application like Quark or InDesign. It does have to allow me to export to jpg, tiff, or psd and allow for full bleeds.

The Pro version, seems nice with the multiple Masters. I would tend to use them as on the fly templates. Although I'm not really looking for a DTP application, is it possible to have OmniGraffle link/wrap test between different objects (i.e. text from on box flowing into another box on the same canvas)?

In the Windows world, I used a product called Photofusion, by LumaPix. I could run it in Parallels, but am trying to get completely off of Windows.

Well... that's it. Please tell me if you think OmniGraffle would be good fit for my tool box. If you have any other suggestions, I'm open and would love to hear.


Last edited by webids; 2007-06-09 at 01:57 PM..