Thread: Web Interface
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Originally Posted by sohailm01
Any ideas?
You could...
  1. Leave security up to the user, and assume they know how to configure a home VPN. Probably not the best option, but it's an option.
  2. Let users obtain their own certificates. I have zero experience with this, but it would almost certainly be expensive/complicated.
  3. Centralize authentication via SSL on Omni Group's servers. More complicated, and this requires Omni to maintain a web service. Also, doesn't solve encryption throughout, just protects the user name/password.
  4. Route all traffic through Omni via SSL. Probably the cleanest and most secure solution, but places a (potentially) large bandwidth burden on Configuration could be plug-and-play, though, no messing around with port forwarding and dyndns. I'd be willing to pay a monthly fee for a service like this.

For the curious/impatient, SSL can be turned off by right-clicking the OmniFocus app, choosing "Show package contents," and editing contents/resources/rails/config/environment.rb. Comment out the whole "if ENV['USE_SSL']" block, lines 90-110. There's not much point, however, since the rest of the app doesn't work on the iPhone at this time. I'm sure Omni is working on it, now that they have a device on which to test the app.