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Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
I don't understand your point here.
In LB, if I wanted to see all Computer items, I could create another Computer context and include my Work>computer and my Home>Computer, but I would never do this. I don't want to be using my own time to work on work items. And I don't want to be distracted at work and see my personal items. They aren't paying me for working on my personal items.
Although I will admit that my work/personal boundaries may be looser than yours that's not really the point. I was just trying to give a hypothetical scenario. I think you're getting too hung up on the particulars of my example. Perhaps I should have used X, Y and Z.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
I don't even know why anyone would ever have a category called Computer>Work and Computer>Home.
Um, you wouldn't. That was my point.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
How long have you used Life Balance?

The difference between LB inclusion and OF hierarchical is minor.

Let me preface to say, I've been using LB for about 5 years, and have done things with it that are only dreamt of in your philosophy.
I have used LB off and on for several years including the Palm edition but fine I will be happy to bow to your superior knowledge of the product EXCEPT for this one issue of Places/Contexts. If you can't see how the LB multiple inheritance model, for better or worse, is fundamentally different from the straight hierarchy of OF contexts then I'm not sure you've thought about it very much.

Whatever the case may be, apparently it didn't work conceptually for you and getting into an academic discussion about set theory and how any tagging model can be recreated using LB's Places model is probably not really going to help anyone but I assure you that if you give me any arbitrarily complex tagging scheme I could recreate it as a set of LB Places which is something that OF contexts simply cannot do.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
Okay... now that is something we both agree on. I don't want the tag soup either.
Common ground at last.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
All I can say is... an entire world opens up when tagging is allowed. But it has to be a structured tagging, otherwise, it can get messy.

Whether or not you ever hit that wall may depend on the type of job you have and how you are working with other people. Tagging allows the flexibility you need to quickly bring up lists of things for other people, or if the environment changes rapidly you can adapt with it.
Yes, I agree with all that but in other tagging apps I've used, that functionality is outweighed by having to type in a long string of keywords/tags and separators with every item. I want to still have the auto-complete as well as the ability to drag tasks into contexts that I have now. That's why I suggested the LB model as a point of departure because it provided some of the flexibility of tagging (whether you believe me or not) along with concrete items that could be pointed to.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
Some of the examples are... having lists of things to do for interns while still having the items on a list for me to do, without duplication.
Ok, this is an easy one so I can't resist. The same logic holds for your other two examples so I'll leave those for you to work out yourself.

Me (includes Either)
Intern (includes Either)

So you have three items, one that only you could do, one that your intern needs to do, and one that either one of you could do. You place each item into the most appropriate context above.

Context Either contains only the one item that both of you can do. Context Me includes two items, the one only you could do and the one inherited from Either. Context Intern contains two items, the one only the intern can do and the one inherited from Either.

There it is with no duplication. Now explain to me how OF contexts would accomplish this?

Of course you can do the same thing with tagging and maybe that's a conceptual cleaner way to handle it as long as the interface still maintains the sense of a context and not just a set of amorphous keywords.

I will say that I still prefer the ability to just assign one context as in Either above and have it show up in multiple contexts rather than having to assign multiple tags like Me and Intern to every item that can be both.

Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
If the contexts were more tag oriented... I wouldn't have any duplication of contexts. Right now I have duplicates of all my contexts at work and at home. If I could tag contexts, I wouldn't need those duplicates.
Wait, wasn't that my point? I thought you said that there was no overlap between your work and home lives so why would this be a problem for you?

Oh well. I'm really not trying to start/continue an argument. I think we probably agree more on how we might want an ultimate solution to look like than we disagree. The fact that we are both passionate about the future direction of the product I think speaks well of what Omni has accomplished so far but they do have a long way to go and therein lie the pitfalls.

Last edited by whalt; 2007-07-03 at 09:09 AM..