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Originally Posted by cliffmcc
How can I get OmniPlan to stop using the time-of-day in its schedules? I know that I can make it not display the time of day, but it still uses it. For some crazy reason when I re-level things, it will move stuff around that used to start at 8:00AM on a Monday to suddenly start at 10:45AM on a Tuesday, or something crazy like that.

Again, this is tied to another issue I am having with leveling and its interaction with percentage-complete values.

Regardless of why, I do not want a tool that seriously thinks I want a five week project that starts at 2:17PM on any particular day. Nothing I plan has that level of granularity. If I can hide the time from displaying, why can't I stop it from being used in calculations?
We added the ability to hide time to address the majority of users not wanting to see time displayed, but we didn't stop this from being used in calculations (I don't know exactly why, but I think it involves some changes to how OmniPlan does calculations).

There isn't a way to turn this off at the moment, but this is definitely on our to-do list for future versions of OmniPlan. I'll add a vote to this request in our database for you along with your comments.