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Yeah, certainly needed.

I am finally 90% up and running on OmniFocus and it has only taken me 6 weeks! :)

The two big switches from kGTD were having projects have start dates and putting projects on hold.

In kGTD, I would just have a big project like "Finances" and in there really have a bunch of one line tasks that were actually projects. They would all have the context of "Maybe" which was my Someday/Maybe list.

In OmniFocus I created actual projects for all of them (drag and drop, thanks!) and just put them on hold. That way they are out of my view, but still captured.

The other really big switch was the project start dates. In kGTD I had tasks repeat and they would all show up in my todo list but now I broke out things like "Pay Rent" from a repeating task to a repeating project (Write check/Enter into Quicken/Mail check) and now the task only shows up when the start date has come. The change was figuring out how I want things to start and be due and how much time to put in between those two things.

Of course now I have tons of projects, a lot on hold, a few dropped and a bunch that are not yet to be started. The "Available Projects" view would hide all projects that are not started yet which would be great.

Oh, another feature would be the ability to sort projects, within a folder by something (date/alpha). As DA suggest, you should file things using Alpha so it would be nice not to have to do this manually.

I will be up to 100% when the true iPhone integration (tasks through iCal) shows up.