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Originally Posted by eatmytag View Post
My current fix for my problem is to move all completed and dropped projects into an Archive folder. I have one Archive folder for each of my project folders, i.e. one Archive folder in my Home-projects folder, and one Archive folder in my Work-projects folder.
that's also what i'm doing, for now, because when viewing my library at the left, there's no way to view all of the "open" projects (i.e., everything except the completed and dropped).

omni, please give us this additional option in the view bars after "all projects." based upon the comments above, many of us would benefit from an "open projects" option, incorporating all active + pending + on hold projects.

i'm all for simplicity, so i definitely don't advocate adding every possible permutation to the list. but i think it's obvious how this particular option would be useful to many.
