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Originally Posted by CdtDelta View Post
Well I did a port install ruby to get me up to date (I also updated rubygems just in case). So here's what I'm running now:

ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-darwin8.10.1]

I made the change in the line and that seemed to make Komodo's error checking happy.
However now the error I'm getting is:

OFfline.rb:17:in 'require': No such file to load -- rubygems

Which I suspect means it doesn't see my rubygems install?
Did you symlink /usr/bin/ruby to the new, updated version (in /opt/local if you installed via mac ports)?

try this:
which version?
/usr/bin/ruby -v
/opt/local/bin/ruby -v

If the version living in /usr isn't the newest but the version built into Tiger (1.8.2 I believe) you should be able to fix this by linking the version in /usr/bin to the mac ports version:

sudo mv /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby~
sudo ln -nfs /opt/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby

This should fix Rubygems as well if you installed them via Mac Ports.

You can try to run the from the ruby living in /opt:
/opt/local/bin/ruby ~/Desktop/OFfline/OFfline.rb

(change to match your real path of course). Does it work?

Please backup everything before etc so nothing is damaged.