Thread: NEED Priorities
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Originally Posted by pjb View Post
Been using Palm for years with 5 levels of priority. These days, many OF Tasks start as tasks on the PDA while I'm out and about, sync with iCal when I'm home, then sync with OF when I'm ready to go over my Inbox. Never found priorities to be useful and don't bother setting them on the PDA. OF, marks tasks that came from the PDA with the default priority level as flagged. This is not good and one reason to have 5 level priorities in OF would be to keep the information syncing correctly. I still won't set them, though, but somebody would.
Priorities are definitely an individual thing. For the legions of people who use the Franklin-Covey method, priorities are extremely important. MS Outlook uses three levels of priority, and Palm uses five.

In my original post above the system of definining ones own priorities is probably not the best. A simple 5 level priority scheme would be enough and wouldn't over-complicate things.

Something that is interesting is that the major Palm and Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) programs (Datebk6, Agenda Fusion, and Pocket Informant) have a way of implementing the Franklin-Covey priorities. They had to find ways to implement this despite the foundation programs (Palm Datebook, MS Outlook) not havingthat flexibility. So, it would seem to be prudent to look at the foundation program this time -- the alpha and betas.

I think an exception to this is Life Balance which I briefly used on the Palm Platform.

My favorite program of all time is Ecco Pro 4, which is free for Windows users and was killed off when Microsoft provided Outlook for free for a brief period.