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Originally Posted by Tim Wood View Post
As Curt noted, this is almost certainly an issue with a filter or focus being set. If OmniFocus did lose any of your data, that would be a show stopper -- please let us know as soon as possible how to replicate it if so. If OmniFocus convinced you your data was gone via poor UI, that's also a serious bug, so let us know about that too, if that's the case.
Perhaps you can give me a procedure to delete all filters or focuses so I can be sure. As I mentioned, the XML in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Omnifocus.ofocus is entirely empty, it consists of:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<omnifocus xmlns=""/>
That's the entire file. I don't see how my data could be there, there aren't any extended attributes or resource forks to hold it. But I'm willing to try something, if it will get my data back!

As to how to replicate it, I don't know. All I did was press "Undo". I've been trying to find a minimal situation to replicate it, but so far I haven't found one. I'll go through my entire process tomorrow recreating all my data, then I'll back it up, and then I'll press "Undo" and let you know what happens. But I haven't had time yet, I did spend many hours on the data before it disappeared.