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Originally Posted by philonous View Post
But, Forrest neglects one key point from OG's point of view. Better looks is good marketing. So, spending time on the GUI is part and parcel of selling a "better product."
That is how MS tries to sell software. They are pretty good at it too. And the OG already has my money and I'm sure it's too far along to ask for a refund. So the fact many of the features I paid for are broken, doesn't directly hurt their bottom line. That said, I hardly ever recommend OW anymore, and hardly ever defend it when it's attacked.

Bookmark checking still doesn't work, download folder location site pref is now broken, ad blocking is broken, the correct status bar icons don't always show (if the status bar doesn't randomly disappear), tabs are often blank until clicked on, cookies don't always get deleted, pages don't always load from the server even if you set them to... I would take any of those fixed over new icons any day.