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Originally Posted by LizPf View Post

As for the different users needing different files, they also need different accounts on the Mac. And each account already gets its own OF file.

I'd love to hears about cases where more than one file really is the best solution. I feel, since I only have one body, and one mind, I need only one GTD file.
There are many cases where more than one file is useful. The different users one is probably the best one. Let's face it -- there are a lot of users who don't even know how to set up more than one account on a computer. There are also many users (husband and wife is the best example) in which they both just use the same account. I am not married, but if I were I would probably just want one account on the computer. Mac's mail program allows one to easily see what's from different e-mail accounts. I guess that's a good example of how a program would allow more than one person to operate within one account.

(by the way, I am a recent Mac returner -- I abandoned the Mac in 1995 after having the very first Mac in '84 with 128k memory. I invested in Apple stock and it did so well that I'd indulge myself with a Mac to play with, and now I find that I like it as my primary computer -- but I really digress!)

In addition to those who don't want to set up different accounts (for a variety of reasons) there are those that don't know how. They buy a Mac for simplicity, and setting up another account isn't within their realm of what they want to have to do to make the computer just simply work.

Almost every other program allows multiple files or databases. One might say that _every_ project a corporate person works on should be in one project plan (ala MS Project or Omni Plan) -- not.

Personally, I would like to use OF not only for my personal life but also for some large volunteer projects I am working on, including relocating a United Way agency. It would be great to be able to have that all in one place, and it would be great to have more than one person use the OF file for that. I don't want them to see my personal information. While I am logged on to my account, I could work on my personal OF database. I could also work on the volunteer agency move OF database. I don't want to create an account for every single major thing I do, and I don't want to add major projects to my personal task management OF database.

One example of a program that uses multiple databases is David RM's The Journal. It's an awesomely flexible program for journaling, but it goes beyond that. In any case, that allows multiple databases, even though one could say "just put it all in one". Many users have found their own reasons for having multiples.

It's easy for a person to say "_I_ don't need multiple databases, so OF shouldn't have them". However when others say they have a use for them, then reality is that the program is limiting _those_ people.