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As Tim said, projects are not always totally planned out from the beginning. In David Allen's Getting Things Done method, which was the inspiration for OmniFocus (even if it's more flexible than GTD), a project is any outcome that requires more than one physical action to complete.
But I would argue that repeating projects are almost always totally planned out. So why can't repeating projects be set to automatically be marked complete after the last action is complete?

I have weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly projects that I want repeated. The weekly one is the most frustrating. After I check off the two actions, I would think OmniFocus could be smart enough to know the project is done and reschedule the next one for next week. But no. I have to fumble around in project view (no remaining actions to do a quick jump to the right spot) and mark the project complete. Too much work!

The repeating/completed projects needs to be rethought. It took me about a month just to figure out why the project wasn't repeating. Good thing I'm running a parallel planner. OmniFocus isn't quite ready for my Trusted System yet. :-)