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Originally Posted by joelande View Post
The big issue I have is how to divide and conquer these "borders" (because I often do "work" projects at home):
- there a definitely some things that I HAVE to do at the office (these are no problem defining)
- there are some things that can just as easily be done at the office or at home
- and there are many things that can be done at home as long as I grab a reference file first
If you need a reference file and might work on it away from the office, consider adding a "Pack up xxx folder to take home" reminder to iCal or whatever. (Or just pack it up as soon as you think about it -- I generally carry six or seven folders containing support material for current projects as well as a couple pieces of reading that are on my read/review list)

If they can be done anywhere, and there's no real mode switch, consider a "Computer" context, or even sub-divide that into Computer:Online, Computer:Office, Computer:Home, Computer:General. The office/home sub-contexts split out necessary network access. (Or, in my case, let me know that I can only do that on the VPN) Or heck, maybe those categories are subsumed into "Office" and "Home" since the computer is, generally speaking, always available in those contexts.

I also HIGHLY recommend fidding with contexts as you continue to work. There's no need for a master plan up front. OF makes it easy to create contexts on the fly, and I use that ALL THE TIME.

If I'm going to Denver for a weekend, I'll set up a "Denver" context.

If I'm looking forward to a holiday and have things to remember to do regarding that holiday, I'll set up a Home: Thanksgiving Prep contexts to filter out those actions. (Yes, I had MULTIPLE Thanksgiving projects, so the context made sense to me as a means to focus)