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Originally Posted by zxspectrum View Post
it's really not about taste people...there is a new wave of Mac APPs that are taking advantage of the Mac(+10.5). that's one of the main reasons that we are using a MAC.

Delicious Library
Most of the programs you list above prime examples of "all sizzle, no steak". They _look_ pretty, but they don't work pretty. Call me old fashioned, but I use my computer to get things done, not look at pretty interfaces. I know that functionality and aesthetically pleasing interfaces are not mutually exclusive options, but most developers seem to think so.

Delicious Library - pig slow on even the fastest Mac if you put more that a few hundred items in it.

Pixelmator - pretty, no doubt, but not much to it. It doesn't do much that GraphicConverter hasn't been doing for years and doing faster.

ChaChing - pretty, but not intuitive and lacking basic functionality. Moneydance gives you more features and better performance for $10 less, and it's a Java app for goodness sake.

Xtorrent - Eye candy. Transmission gets the job done, for free. (And who wants to give money to the slimy David Wantanbe?)