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Originally Posted by edenwaith
I was also surprised to find #14 available, since I just found #13 w/i the past half hour. Sweet. I wanted #14 anyway. Forget the whole bad number karma such, because the world didn't end yesterday, and we'll get to see OW 5.5!
I don't have that superstition. A Chinese friend sent me an SMS wishing me fame, fortune etc on Tuesday, as 6-6-6 is a once in a century lucky day as far as the Chinese are concerned. When I pointed out that to Christians (which I am not) 666 is the name of the Beast, she was terribly contrite and said that she hoped my integration with Chinese culture would protect me (I reassured her that it wasn't a problem for me). As you say, the world didn't end on Tuesday, and the 13th falls on a Friday more often than any other day. I think it's being superstitious that gives one the problems ... :)
