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I've been using OF since the early betas and have found it quite reliable. But now I'm not sure.

I have found in recent weeks that (rarely) a certain task that I had listed in context view was no longer there. Having thought that I must have completed it (but not able to find it), I'd pull up a very recent backup and go from there.

Today it happened again. This time I know that the task in question was there a few minutes ago, but not now. BTW, I use perspectives and my "view" remains pretty static, so it's not a question of having the task hidden away. I do all editing in OF and sync to iCal (and then to my Palm) were I use these devices as "read only", I don't edit there. I also use Anxiety to get a quick view of tasks in iCal. Today, when a particular task I had focused on was displayed and now it's no longer showing, I noticed that it was still showing in Anxiety - thus I know what it was called and what project it was in. I checked OF for "completed" tasks, etc., any indication of its existence in the project and couldn't find it.

Has anyone been experiencing this behavior?

And then I also discovered that OF no longer synced with iCal. I went to the sticky thread (Trouble syncing with iCal) near the top of the forum and followed the instructions including using terminal to do magic on the syncServer. I've had to do that a few times in the past. This time, it didn't work. I tried rebooting, no good. I repeated the instructions in the post. iCal won't sync.

I did do some experiments with "Back to my Mac" yesterday, turning it on in the .mac preferences and later turning it off. That's about the only thing I did remotely connected with syncing. Anyone have ideas here?