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I've been wanting to implement a GTD app for a while now, and after doing some homework, it seems Omnifocus is the best app out there. But 80 bucks seems kinda steep (compared to other GTD apps) so I have not bought anything yet.

BUT, if Omnifocus worked on my iPhone, THAT would be the tipping point that would get me to take the plunge and plunk down my 80 bucks.

However, if I had to pay $80 for OF, and then have to pay AGAIN to get it to work on my iPhone, that would suck.

I wouldn't want a standalone iPhone only app, of course, because i'd want to be able to enter info via my desktop as well. The iPhone version should work in conjunction with the desktop version.

80 bucks for a premium GTD app that worked with my iPhone would be totally worth it, but having to spend more than, say, $10 more to get the iPhone functionality would leave a BAD taste in my mouth!